Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well...all I can say is that its been a rough couple of days. My very dear friend lost his battle with bone cancer. My heart is broken. I can't see a "Stand up to Cancer" commercial on tv without crying. I may not have been as close with him in the last few years like I would've liked, but I still loved him...everyday. The sad part is, he didn't know how much. When I say it, its not just that I love my was more than that...ever since high school...every time I saw him I thought about how I needed to tell him how I feel...including last Thursday. But I'm too quiet and I can't share my feelings openly...I'm better at writing my feelings down. It breaks my heart knowing this...sharing this. He was so young and one of the best guys I've ever met. One of the saddest parts about the whole thing is he never had the chance to get married or have kids. He would've been an excellent husband and father.....

My heart is broken.

1 comment:

  1. He was a great guy. You're post made me cry. I didn't know Steven very well at all but he was a great guy.
