Monday, November 15, 2010

Rest in Peace Grandma Donna Haynes

Let me start with this...

It only took a few months for Donna to become like a Grandma to us. Sadly over time, the craziness of life swept away the moments we could have spent with her. So, I will reflect on the time we did spend with her and mourn that which we didn't.

That is what I came up with as I signed a sympathy card to Donna's real family. Someone, whenever I sign a card it usually isn't just my john hancock...instead it turns into a slight front page addition to an already creatively drawn up hallmark card. So, that is how I felt at the moment. You never think about how many people you may "neglect" to share your life with until that person is lost to you forever. Examples for me would be my Uncle Ed, cousin Nathan, Steven Van Kammen, and Donna Haynes. A couple times a year we would say to my Mom, "we need to go see Grandma Donna", but then again, crazy schedules took that time away. Even now that I'm an adult, I've thought of people I need to spend some time with, to catch up with, but time just moves too quickly away from me. So here I am, sitting alone at home, thinking of all the people I wish I could visit with, and tomorrow school classes and homework will take that thought away. It makes me think of my now-former friend Shannon, who last week emailed me to tell me how bad of a friend and person I've become. That I've neglected her, thought little of her, and down right held it against her that she had a child. Although my own beliefs beg to differ, I am reminded that I could've tried harder, I'm also reminded that friendship is a two way street, but it still comes down to the fact that I probably could've tried harder, even if time has caused us to grow apart, or differences in living has changed us to be total opposites, I could've made myself better, I could've tried harder. Hopefully someday, I will eventually learn that the people in my life can't continue to be "neglected"...I have to share some time with them.

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