Saturday, October 24, 2009

Not a good day...

Today's not a good day...Its hard to believe that its been 3 years since I've seen my good friend, Rebekah. She got married in Mexico, October 22nd 2006, and the last day I saw her was October 23rd 2006. Right now, three years ago, I would be asleep in the back seat of my parents' car, on my way home from Chicago airport. I flew into Chicago from Mexico around 11:30pm. Only a few hours before that, I was hugging my best friend, for the last time. Right now, I should be spending my weekend in Mexico for my friend Josh's wedding. I would so rather be there then working. I miss them both so much. I miss the 800 Meatballs, my 2 best friends. One of the greatest things about them both is that, even though they live in Mexico, thousands of miles away, they are still my 2 best friends. Even Rebekah's husband, Cesar, who I only knew for a week, is one of my best friends. In 1 summer, I made 2 lifetime best friends, and in 1 week, I made several lifetime friends. I miss them all so much. So for the first time in a long time, at 1:45 in the morning, I cry for them. I'm not quite sure where these tears came from...I was able to keep myself fairly happy all day. But within seconds of laying down to go to sleep, I start to cry. Maybe part of it is because the song "Rain" by Breaking Benjamin came on, maybe its because my Mom mentioned that its been 3 years since I've seen Rebekah, or maybe its because I dropped a wedding present off for Josh's Mom to take down for me. Whatever it is that has left me in tears, depresses me. I haven't been this sad in a long time. So for now this is not a good day...maybe even not a good weekend.

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