Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One semester down...

So I successfully completed my overloaded first semester of college. I know it doesn't seem like much to some, but 4 classes was one too many for me, but I passed with flying colors. I completed the semester with A's in English & Criminal Justice and B's in Math & Computers. I'm so happy with the outcome of the semester. In the last class for English, my teacher and I talked one on one, she quickly read through my final essay (on Polygamy's negative effect on the Mormon Church), and ended with saying it was beautifully written and that I'm a wonderful writer. I was so glad my paper turned out well. A week before, in English class, I did the oral presentation for my paper and it took me like 20 minutes. My classmates asked me so many questions about the Church, Temples, and our beliefs. I was extremely nervous answering all those questions, worrying whether they would understand what I was saying, or think I was crazy. I think it went well. My Computer class, on the other hand, had me worried the entire semester. The class was so hard, it was hard to understand what was being said, and it was really hard to successfully take the tests. But, to my surprise, I didn't fail the course (like I expected), no, I passed with a B- when I was more than willing to settle for a C-.

So school went well. Now I'm signed up for a summer class and I'm fitting it in with Michigan's Adventure. Another one of my crazy, workaholic summers is on the way, but until then, I'll enjoy the little bit of break I have, sleeping as much as I can, as well as sitting around, doing nothing.

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