Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I don't know whether I'm happy or irritated...

I'm happy because for the first time in 4 years I'm dating someone, we get along great, and have so much in common. I'm happy because I got my tax return back and was able to buy myself something nice for the first time in a long time...
The last time I, as in me specifically, got a new TV was a 13 inch that I got at the end of 8th grade. So since I think that I worked hard the last few years and deserve it, I upgraded to a 32 inch. There's other reasons I've been happy school is good, I'm healthy, etc.

Even though I'm happy there are things that are irritating me that I'm 20 years old but I can't be in charge of my own money. I know that I shouldn't be greedy...and I'm not being that way...its just irritating that I'm going to school while my Dad sits at home watching TV all day and my unemployment goes into "the family finances pool" because my Dad won't look for jobs. He did get a job for like a week but it was all commission and they expected him to put out all this money even before he got a paycheck. I could keep going on and on but it would just be boring and I would look like a stuck up brat. But I'm not...I just wish I didn't have to grow up so fast...I've had to help the family out with money since I was 15 and its not fair...I'm just getting tired of it.

So again...I don't know whether to be happy or irritated. Hopefully someday everything will get better...and hopefully that will be soon. Til then I'll just be a big bundle of irritated fun, but I'll try to keep a smile on my face.


  1. Oh Randa. I feel for you. I can't really relate, but I can still see how a situation like this would be upsetting. I'm really proud of you for the way you handle things though. You're a strong loving daughter. It's ok to vent once in awhile. We all know you love your family. Just look at the post below this one. But it's ok to get irritated etc once in a while. Take a night to lock yourself in your room, eat whatever comfort food you like and watch that big 'ol t.v. Watch a movie that you love or just plain flip those channels because YOU CAN!

    Hang in there.

  2. Thanks Leanne...that definitely helps. I always look forward to your input on posts such as this one...they always make me feel better. Thanks again.

  3. Oh Randa- I have told you more than once how I feel about all of this. I have watched you grow from a well intentioned teenager to a mature RESPONSIBLE adult. I have been so proud of the choices that you have made and the intentions of your heart are so good! Remember that you have your whole life ahead of you and the choices that you make now and in the future will make all the difference in your happiness. You can not do anything about others choices, so do whatever you can to make the best choices for yourself. Don't make excuses, make solutions. You will always have problems, the difference will be in how you handle them. Take whatever lessons you can from frustrating situations, and use them to build a stronger you- a more determined you. Rock it out girl. I know you will!

    It is so touching to me to see the way you are with you sisters that absolutly ADORE you. Continue to be the example that they can look to. You can teach them so much.I know you love your parents- of course you do. They are good parents that are doing the best they can. Its tough being a parent. We don't always make the best choices, but we are always being watched. We can only hope our kids will be better than us. Thats what I hope for my kids anyway. Watch and learn.

    Now on to the real news yo'! Did you say "RELATIONSHIP"???? Girl, I know you are not having one of those without me meeting the kid! Bring him on over, or at least give me the dirt- fo-shizzle!! ;) Love you girl!

  4. Thanks Holly...I greatly appreciate it. I'll come over soon and tell all. Thanks ya's.
