Sunday, May 30, 2010

Well, I'm going to attempt making this blog entry "stress and bad news free"...So here it is...

Thursday we found out that the people we were planning on renting from couldn't be out in time for us to move in by the beginning of, we were up S*** creek without a paddle...but my Mom made a couple phone calls, we looked at a different house (2 houses down from the other), and we signed the lease. We're doing a month to month, so we're hoping that in a couple months we can purchase a house, move one more time, and have a permanent and perfect place to live.

Saturday I finally had to work. No more bumming around for me (my brother on the hand is still free for being lazy). Work was good and it was nice to be away from home for a little bit...but by the end of my shift, my feet and knees were KILLING me. I currently have huge spots of inflammation on both ankles and I just dumped half a bottle of Arnica Gel on both ankles and knees.

After work I ran home to change and then went over to my Aunt Sue's to hang out with them, my family, and my Aunt Diane. It was a lot of fun and I'm SO SO happy that we are talking to my Aunt Sue and seeing them on a regular basis...1) because its nice to have my Dad's family close by and 2) because its just so much fun getting together...we laugh almost constantly and just have a ball. All I can think of to say right now is "THANK GOD FOR FAMILY!"

So I'm going to end with that and head to bed...hopefully Trixie doesn't snore too loud and keep me awake.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sabrina Nicole Levasseur, a 13-year-old girl I used to babysit, is missing. Please check out this article and pray for her safe return.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Something More

Well, we finally rolled over and found a house to rent. Even though we hate the idea of renting for another year, I guess that's what we'll have to do, but you never know...maybe our landlords will let us do a month to month and in a few months we'll find a house and make it a home. That's all I can hope for. So for right now I'm going to go along with one of my favorite songs and just HOPE...

"There's gotta be something more, gotta be more than this, I need a little less hard time, I need a little more bliss, I'm gonna take my chances, taking a chance I might, find what I'm looking for, there's gotta be something more..."

Monday, May 17, 2010

AHH!!! Limbo is so exhausting and I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about house limbo. I'm just SO tired of not knowing where I'll be living in 2 weeks. Plus its like my parents just can't make up their mind. I get so tired of hearing my Mom complain now that no one comes to visit us, so I don't want to move any farther then Whitehall, but my Mom continues to look at houses that go from N. Muskegon all the way to Rothbury. She also continues to look at houses with lots of stairs...what happened to the idea that my Dad, Mom, and I CAN'T do it is my knee KILLS me. By the end of the night my knee hurts so bad that it hurts to go down stairs. For the time being I'm going to remind myself that my parents are crazy...I think that's about all I can say to explain it.

Friday, May 14, 2010


The word for the week is frustration...but I guess we could also use stress, crap, or b.s. We were SO close to getting the house we wanted...I mean like within a couple minutes we lost the auction on the house. We were within about $1000 of winning our house. Now we have two weeks before we're supposed to be out of the house we're in and we haven't found a house to perfectly suit us. Every house we like already has an offer on it and its the opposite for the houses we don't. We keep going back and forth about getting this house way out on Skeels by Happy Mohawk and I just don't know. I'm not sure I want to get into that house for a couple only has one bathroom and who knows when we'll have the money to add another. The same goes for rooms...I don't want to sound selfish, but I don't want to be in a bedroom smaller than I have now. The kitchen is small and would need completely new cabinets. And NOBODY would come visit us. But their are a couple good things...the garage is huge, so we could add another bedroom or two, its got 3 acres with a fenced in back yard, its quiet, and its right across the street from Manistee National Forest. Who knows what will could be a good thing or it could be the total opposite. I guess we'll find out.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Where does time go when it has left us? Does it whither away and die when we aren't looking? Does it recycle itself and begin again? Does it shatter into a million pieces and touch the lives of those around us? Does it remain with us and like an antique clock, it waits to be revived or reinvented? Is time the tears of angels, sad that we are not in heaven, and when time returns to them, so do we? Is time the souls of the living, only attached to one person until they return to their Heavenly Father? What is time and where does it go when it has left us?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Ok, so for another hallelujah for this month I got an A- and two B's in my classes for Winter Semester...woohoo!

We need help with a couple more hallalujahs for the month...we're supposed to find out in a couple weeks whether my Dad gets his disability income or not, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray that he does, we definitely need that income. We also need to get into a new house. We did find out today that we are closer to getting into something and hopefully it will happen soon...I hate living in limbo. I'm sure everything will work out. But until then I guess limbo is my new hang out spot.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Ok, that's my first hallelujah for the month. It is brought to you by the letter S, for school, semester, and summer. WOOHOO!!! It's almost summer and I'm done with school for the semester. We'll see how many more hallelujahs I'll post this month. All I know is that April Showers bring May flowers and I'm hoping that doesn't just apply to rain and pretty plants. This month just HAS to be better than last month.